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又在国外网站发现QA350的长篇评论,老外的评测文章怎么都能写得这么长?  发帖心情 Post By:2010-6-27 12:09:40 [只看该作者]

评测网址: http://www.headfonia.com/?p=5065&page=1


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  发帖心情 Post By:2010-7-1 12:13:57 [只看该作者]


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  发帖心情 Post By:2010-7-1 13:23:17 [只看该作者]

The QLS QA350 Player is really something. It’s ridiculously cheap, it’s ridiculously big, yet it’s ridiculously good sounding. I really couldn’t believe my eyes when I received the player. If you think that the HM-801 is big, the QLS is even bigger. Well, as some people say, “I couldn’t care how it looks as long as it sounds good”. If the HM-801 comes in a nice glossy finishing that exudes a high-end aura, the QES looks like a mere DIY project. The QLS, at $200 also can’t compete with the sound of the HM-801, but for $200, it kicks the butt of everything else near that price range.



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  发帖心情 Post By:2010-7-1 13:35:51 [只看该作者]

The QLS is pretty serious in designing the QA350. For starters, they only take WAV files through the means of SD Cards. It is equipped with a Wolfson WM8740, a D/A chip that no longer needs an introduction. The front panel reveals that the QA350 is a jack of all trades: a 1/8″ leadphone out, a 1/8″ line out & optical digital out combo jack, and a coaxial digital out. That’s pretty much everything you can think of in terms of connection interfaces.


QLS(乾龙胜)设计QA350可谓匠心独具。首先它播放WAV文件,需要SD卡;用Wolfson WM8740作为D/A转换芯片,此芯片无需介绍了;前面板布置了所有传送接口:1/8″耳机插口、1/8″LO模拟输出和OPT数字输出混合插口,还有一个同轴数字输出。通过这些接口几乎可以跟你想到的所有外围设备进行连接。

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  发帖心情 Post By:2010-7-1 13:45:23 [只看该作者]

On the back side, you’ll find two different ports for power. A 3-pin square connector for charging the internal batteries, and a wallwart connector for operating the QA345 from AC power. There is also an SD card slot for the music library, a power toggle and a hold toggle switch. Though it may not be the prettiest looking player around, the QA350 is certainly one of the most full featured player I’ve come across. Oh, let’s not forget that the QA350 comes with a remote control. Now that’s pretty kickass.



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  发帖心情 Post By:2010-7-1 13:52:10 [只看该作者]

Despite the big size, the QLS player is not as heavy as it may look. The use of a lithium ion battery attributes to this. The charger turns out to be surprisingly small too, much smaller and lighter than the one found on the Hifiman HM-801, which is notoriously heavy for traveling purposes.


尽管个头很大,但播放器并没有看上去的那么沉,估计是采用锂电池的缘故。充电器也令人吃惊的小,比Hifiman HM-801的小很多也轻很多,好处是不重,携带方便。

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  发帖心情 Post By:2010-7-1 14:40:57 [只看该作者]

The sound is ridiculously good. I listened to the QA350 directly through its headphone out using the JH16Pro, and I was truly blown away by what I’m hearing. Throughout my review of the JH customs, I always get bummed in being stuck on using the lousy Ipod Classic 120GB as my only portable source. Not anymore. The QA350 was finally able to give me the proper sound quality for the JH16 Pros while remaining friendly on the wallet. After all, my wallet still hasn’t recovered after that JH Audio review, so I can’t really afford to get a HM-801.


声音不可思议的好。我用QA350直推我的耳机JH16Pro,真的被我听到的(声音)吹走了。自从我作为JH用户进行了(耳机)评论起,我也总是因自己只有差劲的Ipod Classic 120GB播放器作为随身音源而感到抓狂,现在,往事一去不复返了。QA350可以让我的JH16Pro表现出良好的声音质量,这意味着对我的钱包来说非常友好!毕竟在那篇JH的评论以后我的钱包还没复原呢(估计作者花了不少积蓄在JH16Pro耳机上,而且作者本身不太富有——译者注),我真的还买不起HM-801!

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  发帖心情 Post By:2010-7-1 14:54:12 [只看该作者]

The Ipod Classic is inadequate in so many ways when you are listening through a high end IEM like the JH16. Congested soundstage, roll off on low bass and the top trebles, midrange lacking clarity, and a bunch of other “distortions” on the sound. The QA350 is an immediate upgrade from the Ipod. Soundstage, separation, top and bottom extension, refinement, I really won’t waste time comparing the differences because it’s not even close. If you are looking for a high quality portable, but don’t really have the budget for a HM-801, you’l learn to accept the looks and size of the QA345 because the sound is worth it.


当你用High-END级别的耳机(例如JH16)听音乐时,Ipod Classic播放器在很多方面都不合适:局促的声场,低频少,高频弱,中频缺乏解析力,还有一堆的失真。QA350对比Ipod可以立即让人耳目一新:声场、解析度、高低频延伸度、细节。我真不用浪费时间进行比较,因为那差距不是一点点。如果你需要一个高音质的便携播放器,又没钱买HM-801,你就需要看看这款QA350,因为它的声音值得你一试。

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等级:业余侠客 帖子:37 积分:410 威望:0 精华:0 注册:2010-6-30 22:27:26
  发帖心情 Post By:2010-7-1 15:05:39 [只看该作者]

I did compare the DAC section of the QA350 to our favorite sub $200 DAC, the Audinst HUD-MX1 (both uses the same WM8740 D/A chip). The comparison was done with the Audiotrak ImAmp and the HD800, and I find the QA350 to come very close to the DAC section of the HUD-MX1. Just a little less treble extension, air, and low end presence than the HUD-MX1, but otherwise the QA350 sounds very very good.


我拿QA350跟我最喜欢的200美元小型DAC做了比较(我的是Audinst HUD-MX1,两者都采用了WM8740 D/A芯片),耳放采用Audiotrak ImAmp,耳机采用HD800。我发现QA350跟我的HUD-MX1对比极其接近,只是在高频延伸、空气感上稍有不足,临场感比HUD-MX1稍弱,除此之外QA350听起来非常非常好!

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  发帖心情 Post By:2010-7-1 15:14:55 [只看该作者]

The headphone out on the QA350 by itself is fairly powerful, definitely more than the standard Ipod Classic headphone out. It was able to drive both the Beyerdynamic T1 and the Hifiman HE5LE to very loud levels (albeit at near maximum volume), and playing some bass heavy Prodigy songs from “Fat of the Land”, bass was clean with no distortions present.


QA350的耳机输出十分有力,绝对超过标准的Ipod Classic的耳机输出。它可以驱动拜亚动力T1和Hifiman的HE5LE耳机到很高的响度(尽管音量旋钮已经接近最大),并且在播放一些低音奇重的歌曲时(例如“Fat of the Land”中的歌),低音部分干净不失真。

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